by Kat Fairweather | Wednesday, April 7, 2021 | Training & Safety
With the end of daylight saving, our regular depth sessions are also finishing up and we're starting pool training at AUT Millennium from April 15 on. Start at AUT is 7pm, see you there! WINTER TRAINING SCHEDULE Mon - Tepid Baths - 7 pm Tue - Westwave, if there is...
by Kelly Chang | Wednesday, October 14, 2020 | Training & Safety
Buoyancy Weighting yourself correctly and your buoyancy is key to enjoyable freediving for both pool and depth diving. The amount of weight you need to wear when freediving depends on a number of factors such as your weight, body composition, thickness of suit,...
by Kelly Chang | Thursday, October 1, 2020 | Training & Safety
Learn More Online! Something a little different for this fortnight's tip! I have selected some of my favourite places where you can find more information about freediving and spearfishing. DeeperBlue DeeperBlue is the world’s largest online community dedicated to...
by Kelly Chang | Wednesday, September 16, 2020 | Training & Safety
Body Extension in the Water Have you read last fortnights post on body extension and awareness? Read it here. This fortnight, we will build on some of the ideas shared in the last post and how they can be transferred to our pool training. Are you guilty of any of the...
by Kelly Chang | Wednesday, September 2, 2020 | Training & Safety
Body Extension and Awareness A tight, streamlined body position starts from your finger-tips right until the tip of your toes. This fortnight, we will cover some exercises and stretches that I believe are key in training good body extension. It is important to...
by Kelly Chang | Wednesday, August 19, 2020 | Training & Safety
Box Breathing With summer and pool competitions round the corner, it is important to keep on top of your training whether it is your first comp, or that massive kingie you've been waiting on. Dry statics can often seem painfully boring, so hopefully box...