Where to shop

AFC is not affiliated with or takes any commission from these or any other retailers.


Website: https://www.splash.co.nz

Stockists of Rob Allen and Epsealon products. Both are top quality and highly trusted brands in freediving and spearfishing world. You can try their wetsuits on right there in the shop to find the right fit. AFC members enjoy a special discount with them, but do ask us to arrange it for you first.


Website: https://www.seaquel.co.nz

Custom made wetsuits at very affordable prices. If your body type does not fit any of the columns in the sizing chart, Seaquel is the place to go. They also fix damaged wetsuits and make alterations.

Ocean Hunter

Website: https://www.oceanhunter.co.nz

Mike Smith, the owner of the shop, was one of the founding members of AFC. He knows a thing or two about freediving. Great service and helpful staff.


Website: https://www.wettie.co.nz

A great range of budget and quality products. They allow to mix and match wetsuit top and bottom sizes for a better fit.


Website: https://www.tradeinn.com/diveinn/en

An online-only overseas retailer. They have a wide range of products and reasonable prices. Beware, there may be GST and custom duties to pay on top of their price.

Marine Deals

Website: https://www.marine-deals.co.nz

An online and in-store retailer of cheap fishing and diving gear, some of which is useful for freediving. They do have good end-of-line sales for well known brands like Cressi and Mares.

Scuba-diving stores

Scuba-diving gear is not suitable for freediving. Their wetsuits, masks, snorkels and fins have completely different design and purpose that does not work for freediviers.