AIDA Wellington Winter Champs 2020 Recap

Big congratulations to Nate, Kat, and Phil for competing in this years Wellington Competition putting up outstanding dives! Below Kat reflects on the competition.



After two cancellations, this year's Wellington Winter Champs finally took place last weekend. It also happened to become part of the new Pool Nationals series we have been trying this year. The series is made up of three no-frills competitions that are intended to motivate divers to travel the country a bit more than usual.

Eight divers came to Te Rauparaha Aquatic centre in Porirua to challenge themselves and attempt new personal bests, and many came away with great achievements. The judges awarded white cards all around, which means all dives were performed safely and clean. It was great to see a number of people competing for the first time!

Having spent a lot of time underwater with a scuba tank on her back, Serena Cox from Wellington just recently dipped her toes into freediving and is already hooked on pushing her limits. "I love how you are competing only against yourself in this sport", she said after getting two personal bests on the weekend.

Both Nate and Kat managed to set new PBs in Statics, which was certainly a highlight for the AFC divers!

A big part of our competitions is the social aspect. We get together after diving to discuss what we've learned, how to we felt during the dives, what's going on in our local freediving clubs and what else we could be doing together. We love any chance to reconnect with our freedive family from across Aotearoa NZ. The spa and a local restaurants proved great venues for a catch-up!

We are looking forward to the final event of the Pool Nationals series in Northland in November, were freedivers from around the country hope to top their previous performances and when the dives are done, strengthen the bonds of our amazing community with a shared dinner and some time together.


Upcoming Events and Courses

  • AIDA Taniwha Challenge Northland (14-15th)
  • Spearfishing at Rangiputa (Nov 27-29th limited spots) - Sign up here.
  • AIDA 2 Course (Nov 20-22nd limited spots) - Info here
  • AIDA 3 Course (Nov 27-29th limited spots) - Info here 

Happy Training,


AFC Training Officer