We are a very busy club and want to make sure everyone gets the best training possible. AFC is run 100% by volunteers and depends on us, the members, to thrive and grow. In terms of training, we roster the following roles:

  • pool session leader for AUT (in winter), WestWave, and Panmure 
  • monthly pool induction leader (will also be pool session leader for Tepids for that month)
  • monthly pool induction assistant or 2IC
  • weekly lake induction leader (in summer)

We need you to help out. Being a leader is a great way to learn new skills, give back to the club and help other divers progress. We all benefit from having structured sessions, and it simply won't work without your help.

🐠 Full members will get a discount on next year's membership as explained in the graphic.
🐠 If you are one of the divers who have recently completed their AIDA freediving course with us, then this is your chance to fulfill your social contract by putting your name on the roster.

Volunteer Now

Please volunteer some of your time to lead a session at your home pool or do an induction once in a while. If you don't feel confident, yet, then let us know and you will get showered with support from club members. Helping as 2IC for inductions is the best way to start.

Our wonderful Allison re-designed the training roster page on the website, and it is now a much better system to sign up as a session or inductions leader.