Our well being as free divers so often relies on our buddies to keep us safe whilst we do what makes us happy - diving! So right now let's all be the best example of caring for each other:
Follow Government advice and self isolate if you feel unwell (any cold symptoms like, runny nose, sneezing headache, cough) or have traveled outside of New Zealand recently. Wash your hands often and thoroughly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Hold off handshakes and hugs with your dive buddies for the time being and bring on the entertaining alternative wetsuit-welcomes?.
Little things like keeping our kit clean and not lending it out will help reduce our risks. And being mindful to avoid unnecessary close contact such as during rescue drills and static training - adapt these safely.
Let's take to the water and make sure we can all continue to get together and do what we love, as well as taking up our responsibilities to reduce the spread of infection in our communities. And, as always - if you find yourself in need of a buddy in or out of the water just shout! We are all here for each other!