Health & Safety is always a priority. While the club have many safety plans in place, each and every member is responsible for safety of themselves and their buddies when training with the club. Please keep this in mind throughout all activities.

We have a new Lake Induction Completion Form that all members must complete when training at the lake. If you don’t complete this form, you can only dive on induction rigs.

A few timely reminders for Health & Safety when training: 

  • Check the website Training and Members section for Health & Safety documents
  • Make sure you know where to find the safety equipment at each training location
  • Report any incidents or hazards on the Incident Report Form on the website
  • Be a good buddy – ask your fellow divers what their goals are. If you commit to training with someone and plans change, let them know. Westwave and the Lake are particularly important in this regard as attendance is lower and they might be counting on you to be able to train themselves.
  • Never dive alone!