The AIDA Freediving New Zealand Pool Nationals 2022 was an absolute highlight! The first big three-day Pool Nationals since 2019, the event allowed freedivers from around the country to push their limits and set an astounding number of new PBs. Not only that, but we also witnessed a new AFC Club Record with Nate Fairweathers amazing 6:31 STA dive!

Huge congratulations to our national champions 2022 Kathryn Nevatt and Guy Brew, who continue to dominate this competition year after year.

For the first time ever, the new Pōhutu trophy was given to the Most Improved Diver at the Pool Nationals. Alex Poole from AFC took the inaugural award - well done, Alex!

We also used the opportunity to welcome Kathryn Nevatt into the AFC 666 club! To become a member you must achieve a minimum of 60m deep dive, 6 minute static and 160m pool dynamic in competition.

We are very grateful for all the work that was put into making this event happen! A huge thank you to our amazing cat herder and principal organiser Nick Rhodes, as well as the whole team of volunteers: Head Judge Joy Keen, judges John Wright and Ben Jeffares, Head of Safety Richard Young and the safety team with Lewis, Wade, Vance, and Max, our lifeguard Michelle, our announcer Shelly, camera people Chris and Emily, finance guru Nate, and everyone else who helped!

And as always, a big thank you to our sponsors, who are absolutely essential to this event! WIthout your financial support and prizes, we wouldn't be able to do it.



Watch all the dives underwater on YouTube!


Dynamic DYN/DYNB Dynamic No Fins DNF


All photos - underwater and dry - in the folders below. Please credit our photographers Chris Marshall and Emily Collings when using their photos.