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Easy DNF

By Nate Warmup breast stroke 100m Streamline Intermediate: 8 x 25m, maximise glide, minimise strokes, work on streamline Advanced: 6 x...

End of Year Adventures

End of Year Adventures

With the luck of the draw and some good weather, me and a few of AFC members ended up going on a spearfishing mini-trip to Noises just...

CO2 dynamics drill

CO2 dynamics drill

Dynamics (with bi-fins) CO2 training. Posted by Nate on 13 Dec 2022. Warm-up 100m breast stroke, breathe at will Advanced 75m x 3 with...

Freediving with a purpose

Freediving with a purpose

Freediving is a selfish sport. You go down, you come up and then feel relaxed and satisfied for the rest of the day. Apart from the safety...

Mid-Hangs Training Plan

Posted by Nate on Nov 14 2022. Warm-up Surface swim 200m Rescue Do a 25m DYN from the shallow end to the deep end of the pool with active...

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